Your rights and responsibilities

As a consumer of our service, you need to know what you, or someone you care for, can expect from us and what we expect from you.

At DHSV, we care for the wellbeing of all our patients, visitors, and staff. 

We will not tolerate these behaviours towards staff, patients, family members or visitors:

  • physical aggression or violence.
  • threatening, intimidating or obscene language.
  • any form of discrimination (including racism and gender based).
  • or sexual harassment.

If necessary, staff may end phone calls, or call for security staff and/or police to intervene. We may ask visitors and patients who show these behaviours to leave. We may need these people to agree to certain conditions if they wish to continue treatment with us.

Your rights and responsibilities

An active relationship between you and your oral health team helps to build good oral health care.  Your patient rights and responsibilities help to achieve this. At DHSV, we aim to provide you with the care that you need. The Charter describes what you can expect when receiving health care.  To understand the Charter:

At DHSV, we aim to create an environment that is safe, friendly, and professional. We expect our staff to follow our values of:

  • Respect,
  • Accountability,
  • Collaboration,
  • and Transformation.

As we respect your rights, in return we expect you to follow your responsibilities.

You have the right to:

  • Take part in decisions about your oral health care. We will discuss your condition and treatment options with you. You may agree to or refuse treatment if you wish.
  • Have a support person with you.  You can request a family member, carer, friend, advocate, or interpreter to help you understand your care and treatment.
  • Refuse health workers not involved in your care, family members, students, or researchers.
  • Be listened to when you have a question or want more information.
  • Get a second opinion from another qualified dental professional.
  • Refuse to have examinations, tests, or dental work at any time. If you refuse, we will explain to you the likely results of your decision. If you choose to stop treatment, you may need to sign a form accepting responsibility for your decision.
  • Ask for an accredited interpreter to assist you. You should tell staff of this need when we make an appointment so that we can arrange this for you.
  • Be treated with respect and consideration appropriate to your individual needs.
  • Confidentiality. At DHSV, we have a professional and legal duty to keep your personal information confidential has a professional and legal duty to keep your personal information confidential.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Respect the dignity and rights of other patients, visitors, and staff.
  • Give us accurate information about:
  1. Past and present medical and dental treatment.
  2. Problems you have had.
  3. Medicines you are taking.
  4. Allergies you have.
  5. If you have a weakened immune system.
  • Work with your dental professional. Share information about your health, social circumstances, and emotional wellbeing. Inform us if you have a Medical Treatment Decision Maker, or, an Advance Care Plan. For further information, refer to the Better Health Channel.
  • Attend appointments on time and tell the clinic in advance if you are unable to attend. This will allow other patients to use the appointment.
  • Tell staff and/or your doctor immediately if you have any concerns about your condition or if there is any aspect of your care that you do not understand. Contact us as soon as possible if you experience any unexpected changes in your condition.
  • Pay fees and co-payments by the dates given or contact your clinic to discuss payment options.
  • Follow advice provided for the management of your own oral health. If you do not want to follow this advice, please discuss this with your dental professional.
  • Tell us if you do not wish to have other people present such as family members or students.
  • Tell us if you are unhappy with the care you receive. You, your family member, carer, or friend can make a complaint:
  1. in person,
  2. by completing the feedback brochure,
  3. by contacting DHSV via phone (03) 9341 1000 or 1800 833 039 (country),
  4. by completing the electronic feedback form.