Guide to tooth brushing

Birth to 6 months (before teeth appear)

Brushing baby teeth

For babies who don't yet have teeth, care for baby's gums with water and a washcloth

Caring for baby's teeth and gums

Tooth tips 0–12 months

6 months (when first teeth appear) to around 2 years

tooth tips

  • Start brushing as soon as the first tooth appears
  • Twice daily
  • No toothpaste until 18 months of age (then low-fluoride toothpaste from 18 months)

How to brush your child's teeth

Include toothbrushing part of the bedtime routine - 'brush book bed'

Preschool age (around 2 to 6 years)

its fun to brush image

  • Brush twice daily
  • Use low-fluoride toothpaste

Tooth tips 18 months–6 years

How to brush your child's teeth (18 months to 6 years)

Make toothbrushing fun!

It's fun to brush! (tooth brushing chart)

Let's brush (child-friendly tooth brushing guide)

6 TIPS to help your kids brush

Steps to a good bedtime routine

Let's Get Ready for Bed (bedtime routine chart)

FIVE things to do at bedtime (sing, talk and read)

VIDEO: Let's brush! with Tash and Chomper
A 2-min video where our friends Tash and Chomper show us how to have some fun when we brush our teeth. Also translated in Arabic, Burmese, and Vietnamese.

Translated information

translated brochures

Dental Health Services Victoria has translated key oral health information and guides into easy read text and languages other than English to support professionals working with families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Translated resources

Click here to access brochures translated into other languages

Further information

If you have any questions regarding these resources please email DHSV’s Health Promotion Team: