
Nominate today for the 2017 Public Oral Health Awards

17 August 2017
Public Oral Health Awards
Click here for further details and to nominate

Nominations for the 2017 DHSV Public Oral Healthcare Awards are now open. The Awards celebrates public oral health professionals and volunteers who go the extra mile to improve the health outcomes of the Victorian community. Know someone who does an extraordinary job caring for those in need? Nominate that deserving person today.

Nominations for the 2017 Public Oral Health Awards close Friday, 13 October 2017, 5pm.

Winners will be recognised at the 2017 DHSV annual general meeting and will receive funding of $5,000* to attend a health conference of their choice to continue their professional development.

The categories for the Awards are:

Star of Public Dentistry

The Star of Public Dentistry Award recognises staff in the Victorian public dental sector who have gone above and beyond their roles to improve oral health. Entries should demonstrate the nominee's excellence in improving the oral health outcomes of the Victorian community.

Oral Health Project of the Year

The Oral Health Project of the Year Award recognises public oral health projects that bring value to patient care and improve health outcomes.

Public Dental Clinic of the Year

The Public Dental Clinic of the Year Award recognises DHSV agencies and teams working to improve the health outcomes of Victorians. Entrants should demonstrate how they bring value to patient care and how they improve the experience of their patients and/or staff members.

Community Oral Health Champion

The Community Oral Health Champion Award recognises individuals for their contribution to the Victorian public oral health sector, through a volunteer capacity or in partnership with DHSV staff.

Further details for all the awards and nomination forms can be found at http://www.dhsv.org.au/awards. Nominations close on Friday, 13 October 2017, 5pm.

*Not applicable for the Community Oral Health Champion Award.


Last updated: 2017-08-23
