
Significant numbers of eligible Victorians are not getting the care they need

23 May 2016


Significant numbers of eligible Victorians are not getting the care they need

Only 26% of the eligible population in North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (PHN) are accessing care at a public dental clinic.

This is despite children between 0 – 8 years living in North Western Melbourne PHN having a higher percentage of untreated decay than the state average.

Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) has just released its high level oral health and service access data as well as information on public oral health services and health promotion initiatives within Victoria’s PIN’s which are North Western Melbourne, Eastern Melbourne, South East Melbourne, Gippsland, Murray, and Western Victoria.

The data showed at 30%, Western Victoria and Murray had the highest number of its eligible population accessing care at a public dental health clinic.

The untreated decay rates for Gippsland PHN residents are worse than the state average in all age groups.

Dental teaching clinic at the Royal Dental Hospital of MelbourneDHSV CEO, Dr Deborah Cole, said the data was a great reminder to take advantage of the free service at the dental teaching clinic at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne.

“There are currently a good number of appointments available for children so I would urge all parents and/or guardians to make a call and put oral health on top of your priority list. With so many chronic illnesses linked to poor oral health, it is time to act and make prevention the cure.”

To make an appointment phone: 9341 1000 and simply ask to book your child/children in with the Dental Teaching Clinic's children's clinics.

If they're eligible (for example, teenagers are listed on their parent's valid health care card), they may be registered and booked in. Click here for more information

Emergency and general dental services for children and adults provided by students, is conducted under the supervision of senior dental professionals.

To access the full set of PHN data for each Victorian region click here

For interviews with Dr Deborah Cole, phone DHSV Media and Community Relations Manager Suzana Talevski on 0407 961 413


Last updated: 2016-05-23
