
All smiles in East Timor

23 August 2016


A very special milestone for the Balibo community in East Timor has been achieved with the opening of the Balibo Dental Clinic.

Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) is proud to be part of the project by donating two dental chairs and staff to assist in the coordination of the clinic opening.

DHSV CEO, Dr Deborah Cole, said The Balibo Dental Clinic, a project by the Balibo House Trust, will improve the oral health of the local population by providing access to dental treatment, community education and prevention programs.

“Incredibly, there are only five dentists in Timor Leste, four of whom are located in Dili. There are 54 dental nurses, with around one dental nurse for every 20,000 people. Consequently, the population suffers from generally poor dental health,” said Dr Cole.

“Poor nutrition is a leading risk factor for poor oral health as the nutritional status of children and adults in Timor-Leste remains significantly below acceptable world standards. We are delighted that together with other organisations such as Rotary we could make a real difference in so many people’s lives.”

The program will be staffed by volunteer dentists from Australia. The Balibó Dental Clinic which will be opened by His Excellency Dr. José Ramos-Horta onto the back of Balibo Flag House tomorrow will initially aim to operate for approximately two weeks, four times a year.

As more volunteer dentists join the program from Australia, the clinic will operate more frequently and will also provide a mobile service to more remote districts and communities.

It is also envisaged that the program will also deliver and operate a preventative program in the local schools.

For more information about DHSV’s involvement contact DHSV Media and Community Relations Manager, Suzana Talevski on 0407 961 413


Last updated: 2016-08-23
