
Aboriginal individuals treated in Victorian public oral health services steadily increasing

06 July 2016


For immediate release

Aboriginal individuals treated in Victorian public oral health services steadily increasing

Data captured by Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) shows Aboriginal patients have higher decay rates than non- Aboriginal clients. Rural areas tend to have higher decay rates than metropolitan areas.

Despite the oral health disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, DHSV has made significant inroads in reducing the gap in the decay rate data for patients presenting, in particular for younger children.

NAIDOC week 2016The number of Aboriginal people treated at public dental clinics is now six times more than it was seven years ago.

The catchments with highest rates of access by Aboriginal clients include the catchments serviced by Goulburn Valley Health (57.5%) closely followed by Echuca Regional Health (57.2%). The covers data captured for clients presenting to public oral health services over a two year period (Jul 2012 to Jun 2014).

The number of Aboriginal individuals treated in the Victorian public oral health services has been steadily increasing.

Approximately 10.3% per cent more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were seen in 2014/2015 compared with the previous years.

Speaking during NAIDOC Week, DHSV CEO Dr Deborah Cole said the increase in the number of Aboriginal individuals accessing care in public oral health sector can be attributed to the implementation of a number of initiatives by community public dental health clinics and the Royal Melbourne Dental Hospital (RDHM) to improve access.

“DHSV is passionate about reducing the huge gaps that exist between the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the rest of the population,” Dr Cole said.

“We have lots more do in getting the access rates higher but I believe we are on the right track.”

Overall, around one third of the Aboriginal individuals accessed public oral health services at a clinic that was not the nearest clinic. The most significant proportion of such clients was received by RDHM, where 97.5% of Aboriginal individuals that accessed non specialist care were from outside the hospital’s catchment area.

Possible reasons for attending RDHM could be the perception that treatment for emergency dental care requires attendance at the dental hospital, the availability of an Aboriginal Liaison Officer at RDHM and high availability of public transport to the central hub.

Our Aboriginal Liaison Officer is onsite at RDHM on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week.

For more information please contact DSHV Media and Community Relations Manager Suzana Talevski on 0407 961 413


Last updated: 2016-08-24
