
A message from CEO, Dr Deborah Cole, for Dental Health Week 2016

01 August 2016

Deborah ColeDental Health Week 2016

With research showing a link between gum disease in pregnant women and premature birth with low birth weight, Dental Health Services Victoria is on a mission to extend the care to as many eligible women in Victoria as possible.

Data released by Dental Health Services Victoria shows 34% of the eligible Victorian female population aged 18-44 years access public dental care over a 2-year period, about 2/3 of pregnant women presenting to public dental clinics have untreated decay and pregnant women do not routinely have a preventive program administered by oral health staff.

Although the number of eligible women in public dental health clinics in Victoria is increasing we need to do more to ensure new mothers and children are safe from chronic diseases which are later in life associated with poor oral health.

In the lead of the Dental Health Week 2016, it is important to highlight our support for water fluoridation, expanding the health promotion program to all high risk communities and linking pregnant women, via screening and referral programs into our clinicians.

Deb signature

Dr Deborah Cole

CEO, Dental Health Services Victoria

For more information on Dental Health Week 2016, visit the website: http://www.dentalhealthweek.com.au/


Last updated: 2016-08-01
