
Happy International Nurses Day

12 May 2015

International Nurses Day was celebrated at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne today with Dental Health Services Victoria CEO Deborah Cole visiting staff to congratulate them on their excellent service to their profession.

“I am very proud of the high level of excellence we have among our nursing staff both with our registered nurses and our dental assistants,” Dr Cole said.

“I think it’s important we acknowledge the contribution they make not only to their workplace but in society as whole.”

In January 1974, 12 May was chosen to celebrate International Nurses Day as it is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing.

“It’s the people who make the difference at DHSV. Our patients come from many different cultures and social backgrounds and treating them is what makes our work so rewarding and so challenging,” said Dr Cole.

“Nurses and dental assistants work in all areas of dental care with a diverse range of patients. The circumstances in which they work can sometimes be very challenging. It is very impressive to see them accept that challenge and make this hospital a wonderful place to be a part of.”

The Hospital’s Executive Director Leanne Turner said the day was an important one.

“Every day our nurses and dental assistants are helping to improve the health of people in their care and it is wonderful that their dedication can be recognised on International Nurses Day.”

“I congratulate everyone on the high quality of care and dedication to their profession.

To view some of the pictures taken today, visit our Social Media sites here:

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Facebook Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DentalHealthVic | https://www.facebook.com/RoyalDentalHospitalMelbourne


Last updated: 2016-04-08
