
Dental Health Services Victoria is celebrating World Oral Health Day with Father Bob

19 March 2015

Tooth decay tops the list as the nation’s most prevalent health disease

With more than half of all children and almost all adults affected by tooth decay it is now also the second most costly diet-related disease in Australia. Speaking on World Oral Health Day, Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) CEO Dr Deborah Cole said dental health disease affects more children in Australia than any other disease. DHSV is the leading public oral health agency in Victoria.

“We are at the point now where staff in dental clinics are seeing younger and younger people with completely no natural teeth left as a result of oral disease,” Dr Cole said.

“As a whole everybody needs to take a more serious approach to early intervention and where possible extend our reach as far as possible in treating those most affected in isolated parts of the State and communities at risk.”

Father Bob for World Oral Health Day 2015 

DHSV 2015 Smile Ambassador Father Bob said poor dental health is “such a detrimental aspect of homelessness in Australia. Not only can it bring serious long-term health effects but missing, damaged and rotten teeth can destroy self-esteem.”

Minister for Health Jill Hennessy said World Oral Health Day is an important reminder that more needs to be done to ensure all Victorians are able to access dental care.

“We are committed to improving the oral health of Victorians, and the Victorian Dental Health Program provides important dental care to eligible Victorians through the Royal Dental Hospital Melbourne, community health centres, rural hospitals and mobile services across the state.”

“The Andrews Labor Government is working hard to try and secure future Commonwealth funding for public dental services – it is particularly disappointing that the Federal Abbott Government has delayed the National Partnership Agreement for public adult dental services which would treat more Victorians and reduce dental care waiting lists.”

Across the state, 1,809 patients who visited Victoria’s public dental clinics have identified as homeless in 2013/2014, an increase of 34% compared to the previous year.


Last updated: 2016-04-08
