
Dental Health Services Victoria asks Victorians to make a face in March to celebrate World Oral Health Day 2015

05 March 2015

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated every year on 20 March. It is an international day to celebrate the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of the issues around oral health and the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene to everyone old and young.

It is a day for people to have fun – a day that should be full of activities that make us laugh, sing and smile!

This year Dental Health Services Victoria are asking Victorians to 'make a face' to celebrate World Oral Health Day:

World oral health day make a face banner

Use your creativity to 'make a face' that shows off your healthy food knowledge to your friends, your family and the world.

You could win a prize for yourself or your class!


How to enter:

1. Look at the Australian Dietary Guidelines’ Guide to Healthy Eating to find ideas for the best foods to create a healthy smile.

Click here to open the Guide to Healthy Eating

2. On a plate, use a variety of healthy foods to create a face

3. Email a photo of your creation to healthysmiles@dhsv.org.au before 31 March 2015

Look out for all the ‘make a face’ creations on the World Oral Health Day 2015 page and on the DHSV Facebook page


Please note: Some entries will be used in DHSV media to showcase World Oral Health Day and oral health messages.


Last updated: 2016-04-08
