
Dental funding injection welcomed with cautious concern

13 May 2015

The Federal Government announcement that it will spend $155 million on dental health across Australia has been received with mixed feelings by Victoria’s biggest provider of public oral health care.

Federal Budget papers last night indicated a new 12 month National Partnership Agreement (NPA) for adult dental and access to the Child Dental Benefit Schedule.  

Dental Health Services Victoria CEO, Dr Deborah Cole, said it was a great relief to know vulnerable Victorians would continue to receive the best possible care in a timely and efficient way with the new funding.

“The last NPA exceeded Commonwealth targets and made a huge difference in the amount of patients we could treat. This meant an extra 111,000 Victorians receiving care than in previous years. We want to now get on with the job of doing the same with this money although it is significantly less than was first promised.

“We are particularly pleased with the continuation of the Child Benefits Dental Schedule as early intervention is a key part of our work.”

Dr Cole said it was of concern however that it appeared this would be the last NPA the Government would fund despite earlier promises.

“It makes it difficult to forward plan when the commitment is only for 12 months.  It does raise significant  issues about how serious the federal government is about dental health care.

Disappointment was also expressed about the Government decision to cease funding for the Voluntary Dental Graduate Year Program and the Voluntary Oral Health Therapist Program which target workforce shortages in rural and remote areas. 

“DHSV will continue to work with Government, stakeholders and the community to continue providing the best possible service in public oral health care,” said Dr Cole.  

For more information please contact DHSV Media and Community Relations Manager Suzana Talevski on 0407 961 413.


Last updated: 2016-04-08
