
Dental care is not an extra

08 May 2015

Unless Tuesday’s federal budget provides the promised funding for dental care, Victorian’s dental health will continue to suffer. 

“The delivery of phase two of the National Partnership Agreement for adult public dental services (NPA2) is crucial to our ability to deliver appropriate, effective and efficient oral health care services in Victoria,” said CEO Dr Deborah Cole.

“The promised, NPA2 would provide $219.4 million over 3 years and is documented in last year’s budget. However a further deferral, as was the case last year or cancellation of this funding would result in DSHV’s inability to maintain our current activity levels. This would result in treating fewer patients and increased waiting times for patients.

“Dr Cole said the focus of the NPA is to reduce wait lists and treat more people experiencing disadvantage. This means treating more of the eligible population than ever before.

“Victoria’s service output over the NPA1 period exceeded Commonwealth NPA targets by 61%.This meant an extra 111,000 Victorians receiving care than in previous years. Many of those treated were people experiencing disadvantage including nearly 6,000 Indigenous people, 18,000 refugees and asylum seekers and almost 2,000 homeless people.”

DHSV, which also includes the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne, believes there has never been a more crucial time to ensure greater access to dental care.  

With more than half of all children and almost all adults affected, tooth decay is now the second most costly diet-related disease in Australia.

About DHSV

DHSV logoDental Health Services Victoria is the leading public oral health agency in Victoria. We aim to improve the oral health of all Victorians, particularly vulnerable groups and those most in need.  DHSV uses its leadership role to add value to its relationships with 57 agencies to improve oral health and provide as many oral health services to as many eligible people as possible. As trusted advisors in public oral health policy, program and guideline development, we continue to contribute to improving oral health in our communities.

For more information or interviews please contact Ms Suzana Talevski on 0407 961 413

NPA 2: Position Statement

Dental Health Services Victoria believes the delivery of phase two of the National Partnership Agreement for adult public dental services (NPA2) is crucial to our ability to deliver appropriate, effective and efficient oral health care services in Victoria.

The focus on the NPA is to reduce wait lists and treat more priority patients. This means treating more of the eligible population than ever before.

Dental Health Services Victoria is committed to working closely with the Department of Health, agencies and the private sector to meet targets so that more Victorians receive more oral health care.

With forward estimates, NAP2 would provide $219.4 million over 3 years. However a further deferral or cancellation of this funding would result in DSHV’s inability to maintain our current activity levels. This would result in treating fewer patients and increased waiting times for patients.


Last updated: 2016-04-08
