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Patient stories: Hank's smile returns with care at Boort District Health

03 April 2014
Hank van der Berg

When Hank van der Berg first walked into Boort District Health in 2009, he may not have envisaged the wholesale changes dental health would make to his life. Since 2012, Dr. Chetan Bhardwaj has been monitoring his progress, showing that oral health contributes as much as ever to a full and happy life.

Having originally harboured a fear of dentists, and having struggled with significant personal difficulties, Hank has come a long way in the past five years. Dr. Chetan and his team at Boort Dental Clinic have helped Hank to realise more than just the benefits of good oral care, as his recent feedback attests.

According to Hank, Dr. Chetan 'is by far the best dentist I’ve ever had; his understanding, empathy and communication skills put even the most nervous patients at peace… Again, I can’t thank the clinic enough.'  

The more Hank has visited Dr. Chetan for treatments, the more he has learned to love himself again. With a supportive local dental team keeping him in touch with his community, Hank relates that his self-confidence is back, and that he is making positive steps to change the way he looks and feels.

Best of all, Hank says his greatest asset has returned to him: his smile. We wish him all the best with his ongoing transformation.

And Hank is not the only Boort resident whose oral health is in excellent hands. Another respondent praised Dr. Chetan’s team for their exemplary services provided to her ninety-seven year old mother. 'The care taken with prior research, and suitable appointment times for her lack of mobility, is above and beyond expectation. Thanks a million.'

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