
Make 2015 your year to Eat Well and LiveLighter

23 December 2014

January marks a time for new beginnings and new year’s resolutions, and this year Dental Health Services Victoria will be sharing healthy recipes, tips and advice with the Victorian community every day for the month of January to help them to make better lifestyle choices and LiveLighter.

As an official supporter of the LiveLighter campaign led by the Cancer Council and Heart Foundation, DHSV wants to help focus the attention of Victorians on the strong links between poor diet choices and poor health.

DHSV CEO Dr Deborah Cole said Victorians need to know the facts about eating well to help them make healthier lifestyle choices.

“Over 60% of Australian adults are overweight or obese and we want to share some simple information with the community to help people make better diet choices,” she said.

“A healthy diet is such an integral part of good oral health and by encouraging healthy eating we can tackle both obesity and dental disease at the same time.”

DHSV will work in conjunction with the LiveLighter team to bring recipes, facts and tips to its social media audiences for the month. “To help kick start any new year’s resolutions about healthy eating and living, we will have fresh ideas and updates on our social media channels every day.

They’ll help keep people motivated and to feel supported on their journey to LiveLighter,” Dr Cole said.

Find out more about the LiveLighter campaign or to sign up.


Join DHSV for fresh updates on healthy eating and living every day in January

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Dental Health Services Victoria




Last updated: 2016-04-08
