
Is your dental professional one in a million?

18 September 2014


Nominate today

Is your dental professional one in a million? Nominate them for the 2014 Star of Public Dentistry Award.  

Do you visit the dental clinic at your local community health service? If you do, you may know a dental professional who should be honoured as our 2014 Star of Dentistry in the annual Dental Health Services Victoria Public Oral Health Awards.  

Dental Health Services Victoria is looking for someone who goes the extra mile to make you feel comfortable and provides you with the best care during your appointment at your local public dental clinic.  

It could be your dentist or dental assistant who helps you feel relaxed during your treatment or has done an excellent job with your teeth. It could also be the friendly receptionist who makes you feel welcome every time you step into the clinic.  

CEO of Dental Health Services Victoria, Dr Deborah Cole said the Public Oral Health Awards celebrate the exceptional work of the Victorian public dental sector.  

“We want to honour our experts in public oral health who go the extra mile for our patients and improve the oral health of Victoria.”  

The other categories of the Public Oral Health Awards are:  

Public dental clinic of the year

Nominate the clinic that shows excellence in oral health service provision in the public dental sector and has helped to improve service delivery at the clinic or in the wider public dental sector. Any of Victoria’s 88 public dental clinics can be nominated for this award.  

Oral health project of the year

Nominate a project that helps the sector to see a significant improvement in service delivery and have taken a population health approach in encouraging external partnerships to promote community health.  

Community oral health champion

Nominate someone who you think shows passion in improving the oral health of Victorians. Although they work outside the public dental sector, their work has helped community members to learn about the importance of oral health or to access vital oral health services that they may not have otherwise.    Winners will be recognised at the 2014 DHSV annual general meeting and will receive funding of $5,000 to attend a health conference of their choice to continue their professional development.*  

To nominate, visit our Awards page. Nominations close 26 September.  

*Not applicable to the Community Oral Health Champion award.


For more information, contact

Mingsia Lee | mingsia.lee@dhsv.org.au | 03 9341 1139


Last updated: 2016-04-08
