
Check-up finds Luna Park has good oral health

19 March 2014

Oral-Health-Therapist-Susan-Tran-brushing-the-Luna-Park-teeth_webThe Luna Park teeth have no evidence of plaque or decay according to oral health therapist, Ms Susan Tran.

“The teeth of the 100-year-old Luna Park in Melbourne are in remarkably good condition considering they have never been brushed or flossed,” said Ms Tran after inspecting the teeth in the lead-up to World Oral Health Day tomorrow.

“This is surprising, because tooth decay is the most prevalent health issue in Australia – affecting over 30 per cent of adults.”

“Oral disease is an even bigger issue globally, with 90 per cent of the world’s population suffering from oral disease in their lifetime.”

Chief Executive of Dental Health Services Victoria, Dr Deborah Cole, said World Oral Health Day, on Thursday 20 March, is about encouraging all Victorians to look after their mouth and teeth.

“Good oral health is essential to your overall wellbeing. And dental diseases are closely linked to chronic diseases including cancers, heart disease, and diabetes,” she said.

“World Oral Health Day provides a timely reminder to visit your oral health professional regularly for a check-up.”

Dr Cole also stressed how important it is to “Eat Well”, “Drink Well”, and “Clean Well.

“Eat a variety of nutritious foods; drink fluoridated tap water and plain milk instead of sugary drinks; and brush twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste,” said Dr Cole.


Last updated: 2016-04-08
