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Bigger better smiles at Mallee

07 July 2014


Dental Health Services Victoria delivered the Bigger Better Smiles workshops in May, a new oral health program developed in partnership with Mallee District Aboriginal Service (MDAS) through the Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles initiative.

Aboriginal Community Development Worker, Rebecca Crawford, said the program would help the community to learn ways on how to care for their oral health.

“On average, Aboriginal children have twice the level of decay and greater levels of untreated decay compared to non-Aboriginal children so it’s really important that we partner with services that know their local community to improve oral health,” Ms Crawford said.

Allison Ridge, DHSV Health Promotion Program Manager said Bigger Better Smiles is aimed at building knowledge, skills and confidence to integrate oral health promotion across the service, focusing on workers who see pregnant women and families with young children.

“There was a sense of enthusiasm and lots of great suggestions from participants to incorporate oral health in their work,” Ms Ridge said.   

“The Health Promotion team is looking forward to continuing to work with MDAS to promote bigger and better smiles in their communities.”

The team is currently exploring future directions for the program with VACCHO, including the potential to work with other Aboriginal health services to adapt the program.

For more information on the Bigger Better Smiles project, contact Allison Ridge.
