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Ajak and Boris play at Refugee Week

18 June 2014


Boris Conley and Ajak Kwai were at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne on June 18 to celebrate Refugee Week. The talented duo entertained staff and visitors to the hospital with great music.

Boris has played with The Spaghetti Western Orchestra around the world and was also Frontline's Friday night funnyman. He now plays for four to five different bands.

Ajak was born in South Sudan and has lived in Australia for 15 years. She has played in concerts to support refugees and asylum seekers and also collaborated with Australian singer-songwriter Sarah Blasko on a song Nyiir Ienquar.

"War affected my hometown and we need to heal," Ajak said. 

"There are so many good people in the world and I would like to encourage them to do something good through my music."

The song Boris and Ajak sang in this video is "Chokagam," written by Ajak.

"It's about falling and getting up again, no matter what people say," Ajak said.
