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Western Bulldog player wins Smile of the Year Award

29 November 2013

Western Bulldog midfielder, Mitch Wallis has been awarded the Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) 2013 Smile of the Year Award.

Mitch was selected for the prestigious award by the DHSV Community Advisory Committee (CAC), a group of community members who are passionate about improving children’s dental and overall health.

Chair of the CAC, Jennifer Theisinger, said Mitch was selected for the award because he presents a positive role model for Victorian teenagers, and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

“It is so important that all Victorians, especially young people, take care of their oral health,” said Ms Theisinger.

“Eat fresh fruit and veggies – they’re the best fuel for your body and keep your teeth nice and clean. Drink tap water when you can, instead of cordials or soft drinks. And brush your teeth twice a day.

“Mitch’s role as a strong leader will help us to connect with young people across Victoria. His on and off-field efforts to promote good health are outstanding and, with his help, we can make some big improvements to the oral health of some of our young community members, helping them to keep their teeth and gums healthy for life.”

Mitch Wallis said he wants teenagers across the state to be more aware of how their general health is impacted by their oral health. He says that he wears his mouthguard every time he plays.

“I’ve seen what can happen to guys that don’t – one bad hit to the mouth or jaw and they can be out of action for months,” he said.

“Our teeth play such a big part in how we eat, how we speak, and how confident we are in social situations. Having healthy teeth means you’re free to do these things without pain or embarrassment. The last thing I want is to ruin mine during a footy game.”

Dental Health Services Victoria has a range of dental health advice available for people of all ages.
