
Victoria's first Public Oral Health Conference to be held in Melbourne

15 June 2013

The CEO of DHSV, Dr Deborah Cole, said the conference provided an opportunity to showcase what is happening in public oral health and what is happening at DHSV.

“The conference was an opportunity to explore ideas with colleagues and the opportunity to spend time with like-minded people and celebrate the wonderful work happening in public oral health,” Dr Cole said.

The conference was launched by Mick Ellis, the chair of the DHSV Board.

“It is a great time to be working in public oral health,” Mr Ellis said.

“With the recent signing of the National Partnership Agreement on Treating More Public Dental Patients, Victoria is to receive $85 million to treat an extra 110,000 eligible people,” he said.

“Thie conference was an opportunity to share smart ideas about how to reach more of the eligible population. At the core of what we do is providing more oral healthcare to more eligible Victorians.”

Speakers at the DHSV Public Oral Health Conference included Professor Mike Morgan, DHSV’s Oral Health Advisor. Dr Kerrie Punshon talked about the specific challenges and joys of Special Needs Dentistry and the Oral Health Practice Research team, led by Adjunct Professor Hanny Calache, discussed key projects including assessing the cost-effectiveness of Minimal Intervention Dentistry.


Last updated: 2016-04-08
