
Premier awards Dr Sajeev Koshy

04 March 2013

Dr Koshy receiving his award from the Vic Premier

Dr Koshy receiving his award from former Premier Ted Bailleu

Former Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu, has awarded Dr Sajeev Koshy, RDHM Specialist Dentist with the Victorian Multicultural Award for Excellence.

The award is part of a Victorian Government initiative and recognises the achievements and services of individuals and organisations that have actively supported cultural diversity and made a real impact in promoting harmony in our community.

Dr Koshy divides his time between his roles of Senior Specialist Endodontist, The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne, Director of Dental Services, Plenty Valley Community Health and Director of Dental Service, Boort District Health Services.

Dr Koshy is also the Federal Secretary of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Endodontists Inc.

He received the award for his leadership in the public health sector and dedication to dentistry, particularly in providing care for Victoria’s multicultural communities.

Mr Bailleu said “each of the recipients has illustrated selfless commitment in their chosen field to create positive opportunities for their own communities as well as delivering benefits to the broader Victorian community as a whole.

The outstanding achievements and goodwill will further highlight the values and advantages that the State of Victoria reaps from having such a wonderfully diverse, multicultural community.”

Congratulations Dr Koshy, DHSV is very proud of you and the work you do for Victorians in need.


Last updated: 2016-04-08
