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Investigators awarded with William Buckland Foundation Grant

02 April 2013
DHSV is delighted to announce that North Richmond Community Health, in partnership with DHSV and the University of Melbourne (UoM), has been awarded a William Buckland Foundation Grant.

The team of investigators includes Prof Hanny Calache and Dr Jackie Martin (DHSV), Dr Martin Hall (North Richmond Community Health), Prof David Manton, Prof John Brownbill and Dr Denise Bailey (UoM). The grant will allow the team to continue their research to improve the health outcomes of young children with tooth decay while reducing the use of invasive dental treatment.

This innovative technique sees oral health professionals place stainless steel crowns on decayed molars of young children (3-7 years of age). The decayed tooth material is not removed, but is sealed by the stainless steel crowns to stop it from progressing. Therefore there is no need to use local anaesthetic or a drill.

Alura participates in Stainless Steel Crowns research
