
Dentists reflect on their Mallee experience

12 March 2013
An ABC camera crew recently followed volunteers involved in the Mobile Dental Program around the northern Mallee region of Victoria. The story was featured on the network’s 7.30 Report late last week.

Blackburn dentist Dr Tony Robertson and visiting UK pediatric dentist Dr Andrea Aspinall were filmed examining and treating patients and making presentations to school groups.

“It was a great experience,” Dr Robertson said. Writing from England, Dr Aspinall said: “I found the whole week a fantastic experience … the car journey itself gave me more of a concept of how vast and remote the area is. The program has great potential and I know we were involved in the early stages but I do believe it has the potential to make a difference to the local region in the future”.

Drs Aspinall and Robertson are part of a group of volunteer dentists working from the van. Each month a pair of dentists spends a week in this remote area providing basic oral care to disadvantaged members of the local communities.

The specially fitted van – based at Robinvale - is operated by the RFDS Victoria in association with Dental Health Services Victoria and ADAVB. The project works with the dental arm of Robinvale District Health Services and the Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative.

Dr Robertson said that the van visited local school and child care groups and an aged care facility, along with numerous local agricultural businesses, such as Boundary Bend estate – the nation’s largest olive producer, setting up arrangements for visits by future groups of volunteers to conduct screening examinations. Many of these patients, including migrant workers from Tonga, experience great difficulty in accessing dental care.

Looking back on the venture, Dr Aspinall said: “I enjoyed the mix of going out on the road and treating patients. It made for an interesting week. Travelling out to the farms and estates was an eye opening experience and they seemed incredibly receptive to us going out there in the future to screen. I do feel that we need to be able to offer them treatment as well and not just screening as the farm workers would not travel for half a day to the other nearest community clinic.

“It's a great experience overall of working in a different environment, and with new teams of people. It's also a beautiful area to visit scenery wise and I loved the fact we had kangaroos at our back door!”

The RFDS Victoria has established the Everyday Hero website for people who would like to support the program by donating online. Go to the Royal Flying Doctor Service Victoria section of everydayhero.com.au

Dentists interested in being part of the voluntary program should call Royal Flying Doctor Service Victoria, 9429 6344.

RFDS Dental Van

The mobile dental van in northern Mallee

Treating a patient in Robinvale

Dr Andrea Aspinall(left) and dental assistant Bow Harris treat a young patient at Robinvale

Dental staff

Time for a break from treating patients in Robinvale – (from left) dental assistant Suzie Hazell from the Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative, Blackburn dental assistant Bow Harris, visiting UK dentist Dr Andrea Aspinall and Dr Tony Robertson


Photo credits: Dr Tony Robertson


Last updated: 2016-04-08
