
All smiles at Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles launch

22 February 2013
Victorians will be all smiles after the launch of a new program to help improve the oral health of children and pregnant women by Victorian Government Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development, Wendy Lovell today.

The Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles program is an initiative of the Victorian Government and a partnership between Dental Health Services Victoria and health and early childhood workers across the state. It will help build knowledge, skills and confidence and enable these key community workers to better promote good oral health to children and pregnant women.

“We want to make sure that smiles stay healthy during early childhood and pregnancy and the best way to do that is to start early,” Minister Lovell said.

“We know that tooth decay affects more than half of all children and a mother’s oral health is important for her baby. We also know that poor oral health can affect general health so focusing on prevention, especially in early childhood, will mean healthy smiles now and healthier Victorians in the future,” she said.

Dental Health Services Victoria is supported by the Victorian Department of Health to deliver Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles until mid 2015.

The program will primarily focus on professionals who provide services for pregnant women and children aged 0-3 years such as midwives, maternal and child health nurses, general practitioners, Aboriginal health workers and child care educators.

“Families with young children tend to use allied health services more often than they visit a dentist. Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles will enable these professionals to teach their patients about healthy eating and drinking, good oral health practices and ‘smile-friendly’ services,” Minister Lovell said.

Minister Lovell officially launched the program at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne today and was joined by the Chairman of the Board of Dental Health Services Victoria Mick Ellis to present certificates to the program’s first participating midwives.


Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles launch

Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles aims to help improve the oral health of children and pregnant women


Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles launch

Victorian Government Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development, Wendy Lovell at the launch


Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles launch

L-R: Mr Mick Ellis, Chair of the DHSV Board, State Minister Wendy Lovell, DHSV CEO Deborah Cole, Mercy Health Executive Director Dr Linda Mellors  


Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles launch Midwives involved

First batch of midwives participating in Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles


Media enquiries:

Lisa Fairweather
Media & Communications Officer
Tel: (03) 9341 1134
Email: lisa.fairweather@dhsv.org.au

Allison Ridge
Health Promotion Program Coordinator: Healthy Families, Healthy Smiles
Dental Health Services Victoria
Tel: (03) 9341 1144
Email: Allison.ridge@dhsv.org.au


Last updated: 2016-04-08
