
School lunch ideas for good oral health

Healthy Together Victoria 'Pick & Mix 1-6' poster

Healthy lunch box for primary school kids

The Department of Health and Human Services Pick & Mix 1-6 poster provides a range of ideas and practical tips to inspire families to create healthy school lunchboxes.

Pick and mix one tasty option from each of the food groups to create a healthy lunchbox every day:

  1. Fruit
  2. Vegetables, legumes and beans
  3. Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives
  4. Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts* and seeds, and legumes/beans
    * If your school has a nut-free policy, peanut butter and other nuts should not be included in your child’s lunchbox.
  5. Grain (cereal) foods
  6. Plain water
pdf iconDownload and print the Pick & Mix 1-6 poster

The Better Health Channel's school lunches page

Lunch box ideas from the better health channel

The Better Health Channel offers easy to follow advice on providing the healthiest options for your child while they are at school. This page covers topics including:

  • Involving your children in healthy choices
  • What to put in healthier school lunches
  • What not to put in healthier school lunches
  • School lunches and food safety

linkOpen the school lunches page at the Better Health Channel

The Better Health Channel's lunch box menu planner

Lunch box recipies from the Better Health Channel

The Better Health Channel have created a lunch box menu planner that shows how you can plan a healthy lunch for your child across the school week.

From there you can also follow links to easy to create recipes for healthy lunches and snacks that you can cook at home.

linkOpen the lunch box menu planner at the Better Health Channel

Last updated: 2017-08-04
