Summer Family Fun Day at the Geelong Botanic Gardens

Smile Squad hit the road to engage families in oral health activities and health promotion in Geelong.
On Thursday 15 January the Smile Squad regional team and our Health Promotion Lead packed up their oral health packs and toothbrushing activities and headed to the Geelong Botanic Gardens to promote the program and talk to local families about good oral health.
Smile Squad was invited to this fantastic community event to spread the word about the program. Our team were spotted at a previous Melbourne Zoo event and contacted to get involved.
More than 300 kids took home a free oral health pack with the tools and information they need to eat well, drink well and clean well – for life.
Our toothbrushing puppets, led by the delightful Chompers made a guest appearance too, allowing kids the opportunity to learn about (and practice) their toothbrushing skills.
As you can see from the photos, the team had a fantastic, engaging day and look forward to future Smile Squad outreach opportunities.