Teeth tips and facts
On this page you will find dental health care advice such as tips on how to look after your teeth and information on dental issues and procedures.
Broken and knocked out teeth > | Medications and dental health > | |
What to do if you knock out or damage a permanent tooth or if your infant knocks out a baby tooth. | How and why some medicines can affect your oral health. | |
Calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus > | Mouthguards > | |
The role Calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus play in the formation and maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. | When should you use a mouthguard and which type protects your teeth best. | |
Denture care > | Mouth piercings > | |
Denture care tips and advice. | Risks of mouth piercings and how to look after a pierced tongue or mouth. | |
Fillings and sealants > | Oral cancer > | |
How fillings are used to restore teeth and how fissure sealants help to prevent tooth decay. | Know the risks, know the signs. | |
Fluoride > | Orthodontics > | |
Water fluoridation and the benefits of fluoride. | What is orthodontics and how is it used to straighten teeth and fix jaw problems e.g. using dental braces. | |
Food and drink for healthy teeth > | Smoking, alcohol and recreational drugs > | |
Why a bad diet can result in tooth decay and tips on what you can eat and drink to maintain healthy teeth. | How smoking, alcohol and recreational drugs harm the mouth and how to minimise damage. | |
Gum disease (Periodontitis) > | Stainless steel crowns > | |
Gum disease symptoms and treatment. | Stainless steel crowns are ready-made metal caps used to repair a decayed baby tooth. | |
How to brush your teeth > | Teeth grinding (bruxism) > | |
Why brushing your teeth daily is important and 5 steps on how to brush your teeth. | Teeth grinding signs and symptoms, possible causes and complications. | |
Infant tooth care > | Teeth whitening tips > | |
Teething, cleaning baby teeth and your baby's first visit to the dentist. | How does tooth whitening work? | |
Wisdom teeth > | ||
Common wisdom teeth problems and their symptoms, treatment and after care. | ||